We do not collect personal information when you visit our site unless you place an order or register with us. To protect your privacy, the personal details provided by your to Anna Spiro Design in relation to your purchase or site registration will not be used or given to any third party for any purpose other than to ensure the safe arrival of your purchased goods, or to provide you with updates regarding Spiro Store.

When you place an order you will be asked the following personal information:

  • Your Name
  • Your Contact Details
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Billing Address & Shipping Address
  • Your Payment Details

​The information you shade and only the necessary information required is provided to those third parties who are involved in the processing of your order - for example the, financial institution that issued your credit card and the shipping carrier that delivers your order. We do not rent or barter any identifiable personal information to any third party. When you submit feedback or questions via email or contact us for further information about goods or our website, we will request your name and email address. We use this information solely to respond to your inquiries.

As the Australian Federal Government introduces new privacy legislation, Spiro Store Privacy Policy will be reviewed and updated as appropriate.

© Spiro Store 2024 All rights reserved